ARIES: March 21 – April 20
Everything is on its way up. The last few years have held you in a state of tension that has kept you on tenterhooks, wondering which way the chips will fall. Those closest to you have been up and down but at the moment they seem 100 percent ready to go along for the ride. The gap between what we expect and the truth about what is actually possible is where we figure out what life is all about. You are right on the cusp of a change that will turn this into a dream come true or relegate you to "Muggle Land." Don't let your beliefs keep your highest good chained to the plow.
TAURUS: April 21 – May 20
It's been tough trying to keep your cool in the face of people and issues that would sink a ship. Grace under pressure, and the ability to rise above whatever the problem is, has taught you a lot about what people are capable of. At this point you are wondering if the forces that assail you will ever let up. In a way it doesn't matter because the part of you that can handle anything is like the Rock of Gibraltar. Whoever, or whatever, that keeps rubbing salt in the wounds has no clue that the person they are dealing with is invincible and blessed by forces that will never fail you.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
At this point, as long as you keep rolling with the punches and making the best use of the unexpected you have nothing to worry about. Those closest to you may not know what to make of this. As much as they mean well, their advice is based on their own story and will not do you a whole lot of good in this situation. Many of you have been in a bind with a job situation that doesn't make room for the best use of your abilities. Remain philosophical about it. You never know why you wind up in these binds. Bide your time with what appears to be a blessing in disguise.
CANCER: June 21 – July 20
This is a defining moment. It's as if the person you came here to be is about to bust out of its shell. At the point where we finally have the opportunity to be who we are, a lot of things come to a head. In the act of living our dream, the people who think they know us sometimes have a hard time accepting the fact that they have to frame everything about us in a whole new light. There could be changes on the tribal axis, i.e., in the family, and in your personal relationships. As you begin to carve new ground don't mourn what falls away. Let it make room for the next phase of your life.
LEO: July 21 – Aug. 20
If you're in touch with what's happening, hopefully you know enough to change the channel. The patterns that have kept you going up till now have worn out and need to be replaced with a new framework for understanding. This could mean releasing old habits and letting go of the idea that certain things will never change. You've done a lot of work on yourself. Having seen the light, at this point, the next chapter is moving into place. For the next few weeks, review the extent to which your truth has anything to do with the way you're living; tone things up if they're out of tune.
VIRGO: Aug. 21 – Sept. 20
Pretty much anything is open to you at this point. The thought that maybe it's time to quit your job, or walk away from certain things, is totally on top of the stack. These decisions would be easier to make if you weren't so programmed to keep all your ducks in a row. Mundane considerations and fears that relate to money weigh too heavily on your mind. Think about what life will look like if you stick with your routine; sounds like more of the same old thing to me. The heart holds the key to everything. Let it guide your choices and trust life enough to see what turns up.
LIBRA: Sept. 21 – Oct. 20
You are on a roll with things that are the result of what happens once we bite the bullet and face up to the truth. Many of you are reckoning with the need to stop the madness and go within. What you once thought was "the high life" is suddenly less important than what happens when you keep things simple. Whittling your associations down to the ones who matter and getting in touch with the idea that you've gotten too far away from your self is bringing you back to center, and closer to a place that has much more clarity on what it will take to greet the best years of your life.
SCORPIO: Oct. 21 – Nov. 20
You just pulled off a major coup. With the odds stacked against you, the fact that things came out in your favor is miraculous. It could be Jupiter's presence on your Sun, but whatever the reason, the ones who thought you would never be able to pull this off are dumbfounded. Now that you're here, you're beginning to realize that these changes are going to spill over and make a huge difference in your own life and in the lives of others. Ignore your detractors. They will have to eat their own sour grapes. You're on a good roll, and there's nowhere to go from here, but up!
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 21 – Dec. 20
You may have given people more credit than they deserve — or perhaps you overinflated your prospects and are now having to face the reality of a situation that didn't turn out the way you planned. The idea that it's time to go back to square one and regroup, or adjust things that need to get shaken down to the bare bones, is where it's at right now. Yes, my dear, it's time to face the music. There's nothing wrong with high hopes and great expectations, but the laws of manifestation demand that there has got to be something in us that is substantial enough to meet them.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 20
It's always a double-edged sword with you guys. On the one hand, doubt and fear have you looking at a half empty glass. On the flip side, there is a whiff of a thought that small beginnings often wind up birthing things that expand into prospects that transcend your wildest dreams. Don't get down on yourself if the story has withdrawn into something less than you expected. You know what they say: It's not what happens to us, it's how we respond to it. Buckle down and dig into whatever this is with your whole heart. Sow this seed, and wait on the will of heaven.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21 – Feb. 20
With a huge number of issues thoroughly digested and under your belt, the decks are clear to just sail away and get down to the business of what really matters. This is one of those times when you will have a month or two with nothing in the way. If you are already in touch with where the best part of you needs to remain focused, staying on the ball will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys. If you are still wondering who you are and what needs to happen next, haul back long enough to see that the signs are everywhere and keep your attention on what's right in front of you.
PISCES: Feb. 21 – March 20
The picture of what it means to come back to life, after a long period of stress or isolation, is part of the scenery right now. With more clarity than you've had in quite a while, it's like you've come home and are now like a newborn baby, ready to start all over again. For some of you, this is disconcerting. And it's no wonder that you feel like maybe something is "wrong." Others are on top of things enough to know that it's always a little nuts when we hit a milestone. The fine line between hanging on for dear life and being reborn is a tightrope. Let the future unfold, one step at a time.