Detroit will honor Indigenous Peoples' Day — and you're invited

Oct 6, 2021 at 10:39 am
click to enlarge Monday, Oct. 11 is national Indigenous Peoples' Day - Photo via Wikipedia Commons
Photo via Wikipedia Commons
Monday, Oct. 11 is national Indigenous Peoples' Day

If you live or visit Detroit, you should know that the city occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi.

The acknowledgement of the indigenous lands, though not enough, is a way to honor the traditional guardians and enduring caregivers of this land and is also a means to stop Indigenous erasure. Land acknowledgements are becoming more common, and rightfully so. What they failed to teach us in school, between the handprint turkeys and Christopher Columbus worship, is that we, as in the collective we, occupy stolen land.

You don’t have to feel weird about it (it’s not like it’s your fault), but it is our responsibility to make these acknowledgments as well as make a safe and supportive space for those Indigenous voices in our communities. To honor national Indigenous Peoples Day', which was created as a counter-celebration to Columbus Day, Detroit will, once again, celebrate thanks to local groups Vibes With The Tribes, We Are Culture Creators, and Fiesta Vibes. The free event is alcohol-free and will host a bonfire, music, tacos, infused juices, and enlightened conversations, and community connection. In other words, a great way to enjoy mno bimaadiziwin, or, "the good life."

Event begins at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 10 at Culture House; 4114 Bagley St., Detroit; Event is free, registration appreciated.

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