Fact: People have been shaking it since at least 6,000 B.C. However, just because dance is an ancient form of artistic expression and communication, that does not mean everyone is gifted with grace, rhythm, or balance. For the folks that find themselves identifying with this, there’s the Detroit Dance City Festival, which returns to the Detroit Film Theatre for three days of dance performances, films, workshops, masterclasses, and inclusive dance parties.
DDCF isn’t reserved just for those with two left feet who may prefer watching from the sidelines; it’s also a networking event for dancers of all skill levels and genres. Throughout the event, folks have the opportunity to take in the work of photographer John Sobczak via his The heART of Dance, Detroit exhibition; view a selection of international dance shorts; or attend the main event, the Dance and Celebration Showcase, which will display new live works from world-renowned performers. For the tiny dancers, there’s also a kid’s dance camp, as well as other family-friendly programming both in and outdoors.
Event begins at 9 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23 through Sunday, Aug. 25; 313-833- 7900; detroitdancecityfestival.com. Tickets are $25 per performance or $35 for performance pass and $100 for VIP admission. Film tickets are $5.
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