In 2017, Jordan Peele, former MadTV member and one half of the Comedy Central comedy sketch duo Key & Peele, redefined the horror genre with his Academy Award-winning directorial debut, Get Out. The film drew praise for its combination of classic horror, some of the best plays from the contemporary psychological thriller playbook, and a dash of benevolent racism, and it led to Peele’s follow-up — 2019’s Us, which finds a family on a nightmarish, unnerving, and totally fucked-up vacation. The Cube will host back-to-back screenings of Peele’s films, which will be annotated by award-winning author Tananarive Due, who teaches a course titled “The Sunken Place: Racism, Survival, and the Black Horror Aesthetic” online and at UCLA.
Screening begins at 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22, at The Cube; 3711 Woodward Ave., Detroit; 313-576-5100; Event is free with RSVP.
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