A killer tour

Nov 3, 2004 at 12:00 am

Why do Americans have such a morbid fascination with serial killers? Books, films, miniseries, Web sites — we just can’t seem to get enough of those murder-happy bastards. A handful of names — Gacy, Berkowitz, Bundy, Speck — achieve legendary, almost rock star-like status. So much so that it’s almost easy to forget the truly gruesome nature of their crimes.

Those who are particularly obsessed with the disturbing and dark subject will surely enjoy the True Crime & Warped Minds tour. Yes, this multimedia event revels in all things serial killer. There will be screenings of serial killer films (among them the critically acclaimed H.H. Holmes: America’s First Serial Killer), a display of serial killer artwork and even a serial killer cookbook. Bleh. Thankfully, it is not penned by Jeffrey Dahmer; rather one Dorothea Puente, known as an outstanding cook, before she was sentenced to life in prison after seven bodies were dug up in her backyard. Most of them were former tenants of Puente’s — one can only assume they were frequently late paying rent.

It’s no surprise this event was conceived by a horror writer and the purveyor of a radio show featuring “freaks and felons of all walks of life.” The husband and wife team of Shane and Amy Bugbee are gleefully billing the tour as “a multimedia exploitation of crime” and warn that “some of the images presented here will follow you to the grave.”

Isn’t all of this a bit insensitive?

Probably. But just like a car wreck on the side of the road, some of us just can’t tear our eyes away.

Nov. 7 at the Belmont Bar,10215 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck; 313-875-5469.

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